Gamma WATER Ltd.
Chemicals & Equipment
Sludge Treatment (De-watering sludge technology)
Belt Press and Filter Press
- The filtrate can be recovered efficiently and economically.
- Robust heavy pieces of equipment.
- Easier access for maintenance.
- The filter press cycle time could be optimized.
- Monitors the quality of flocculation by using an optical system.
- Logs details of all process variables at one minute intervals which can
be downloaded to a PC for proper examinations.
- The filtrate is clear and solid is dry.
Centrifugal ( Decanters)
Dryers for Sludge Application:
- Excellent control of the retention time & temperature relationship.
- Full drying (90% dry solids) based on a once – through drying process.
- No back mixing.
- Highly efficient heat transfer due to the specially shaped paddles.
- All evaporated water is fed to wet scrubber without adding sweep gas.
- Enables a uniform product quality.
- The dried product can be used for several applications: agriculture or as
an alternative fuel for combustion processes.
- The product moves out of the machine via an adjustable overflow.
- A fully enclosed operation enables the safe treatment of toxic, noxious
and/or flammable products.
Associated systems ( polymer dosing, control system and sludge pumps).